Gruppe Planet
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Artist Information
GRUPPE PLANET is a german band whose musicians are scattered across the country – Berlin, Hamburg & Jena. The members might already be known from acts such as HEAVEN SHALL BURN, DÉCEMBRE NOIR, DŸSE or A DOG CALLED EGO. But all this information does not help when it comes to the music, the four-piece is offering. First of all: there are no vocals. GRUPPE PLANET is fully instrumental. Secondly: Do not expect death or black metal or experimental rock. GRUPPE PLANET is different – in an astonishingly good way. Thirdly: be prepared for electronics, synths and ambient noises to come into play. GRUPPE PLANET is following their intuition and emotions. Nothing more. Nothing less. "Travel To Uncertain Grounds" marks the fine-layered debut of this German band. What is in the focus: searching for unflustered sounds, expanding creativity and challenging electronic textures & instrumental music. There is an uncanny narcotic power and elemental beauty to that record. Or to cite the title of GRUPPE PLANET’s debut again: "Travel To Uncertain Grounds".