Last Leaf Down
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Already the title of the latest LAST LEAF DOWN album arouses indeterminate associations - “Bright Wide Colder”. This title reveals a meaning behind the plain words, without explaining too much in advance. The music is no different. Quickly, listeners have an inkling of the intentions of the musicians from Switzerland. However, you cannot quickly feel and process all shades and subtleties. LAST LEAF DOWN's songwriting has to be characterized as harmonically, valuably and introverted. The second full length of the quartet spots existential emotions. "Bright Wide Colder" goes even further than the debut album from 2014, "Fake Lights". The creative playing field of the band nowadays lies in between shoegaze and post-rock. When LAST LEAF DOWN came to being in 2003, the Swiss group started with a heavy-styled dark and doom metal. Since 2007, the musical priorities changed. Well-thought-out compositions shape sound and vision. The musicians are developing fragile moods and create touching sound worlds of gloomy grace. When it comes to “Bright Wide Colder”, less is more. With rest and fascinating suspense, LAST LEAF DOWN unexcitedly lead through the spectrum of human emotions. The resulting sound space is everything and nothing at the same moment - it is up to the listeners to be affected by the multi layered rock of LAST LEAF DOWN and to draw own conclusions.
Releases on Lifeforce